Enhancing Mother Nature's Craftsmanship

Enhancing Mother Nature's Craftsmanship

The Herkimer “Diamond” is a clear quartz crystal that has 18 facets or faces, and double terminated, it has two points. They are so shiny and clear that they resemble diamonds, hence the name "Herkimer Diamond" . They are unique to Central New York.  Each crystal is approximately 500 million years old. They are older than the dinosaurs.  So when I find one, I am the first human to touch it. 

The Herkimer Diamond is often used in metaphysical practice specifically Reiki and meditation. They have been said that they are a stone of relaxation and help release and move energy throughout the body. They can be used to bring divine energy down to the Third- Eye Chakras. The Herkimer Diamond is known to be called as an “attunement stone.” When holding or wearing them, they are known to make you aware of other people’s energy and energy all around you and bring a sense of calm.

While the most valued Herkimer "Diamonds" are the clear and colorless stones, many of the Herkimer Crystals may be white, champange, or pale yellow, yellow (also known as a Golden Healer), and even black. Some crystals show rainbows reflections along fracture lines inside the crystals giving it a special quality. Uncommon characteristics of the Herkimer "diamond" are hydrocarbon and or water inclusions within the crystal.

Materials used in our creations are Herkimer Diamonds, Almandine Garnets, Hydrocarbon, Drusy, and NYS Fossils, have been ethically mined by myself and family. They are used in their organic and unique form. In very rare instances have we altered the crystal. In that way, they are just like people- beautiful and unique.